Empowering Your Best Since 2009.
Our career coaching services combine professional and personal development to craft a genuine "Hiring Package of You."
After 15 years of exploring transformational psychology, NLP, and establishing companies, Embedded Recruiting’s research has discovered consistent patterns for growth and career advancement.
Here's a hint: It’s based on self-marketing, expressing empathy, and building rapport!

Tiffany Sieber
Certified Self-Realization Coach
Candidates Placed
Years Of Hiring Experience

Advanced Career Coaching
Get expert guidance to shape your career.

Our Mission
Impact. The hiring process often follows a predictable sequence of events and information. Our goal is to simplify the learning curve, promote DEI across various industries, and drive change through equitable practices.

Our Values
Highlighting your best attributes! Empathy drives effective listening and understanding. We cultivate and enhance rapport-building skills that clearly illustrate the compatibility between client and company.

Our Culture
Driven, innovative, and inviting, with a sense of humility. We collaborate to enhance each other's strengths. Our emphasis is on progress and solutions, steering clear of drama. #toxicfree

Our Ecosystem
We are a woman-led enterprise! Our aim is to create an emotionally secure environment that fosters risk acceptance, trust, and support for our culture and network of collaborators.